OpenProject 4.0.4 (and 4.0.3) released
OpenProject 4.0.4 (and 4.0.3) have been released which contain several bug fixes. We advise everyone to update their OpenProject installations to OpenProject 4.0.4.
OpenProject 4.0.3
OpenProject 4.0.3 fixes several bugs relating to the work package table. In addition, font errors in Chrome have been addressed.
- Under some circumstances no text was displayed when using Chrome. This error has been fixed (#17567)
- Custom fields of type user and version are now properly displayed in the work package table (#17660, #17630)
- Wrong error messages when using queries have been addressed ([#17572](https://community.openproject.org/work_packages/17572 “Error message “Unable to retrieve query” wrongly displayed when changing WP attributes in query (closed)”))
- It is now possible to remove grouping options from queries which was not possible before (#17570)
- Errors occurring in subfolder installations of OpenProject have been resolved (#17566, [#17564](https://community.openproject.org/work_packages/17564 “Export function throws “object not found” error when used in subfolder installation (closed)”))
- It is possible again to display multiple timelines in a wiki page (by using a macro) (#17568)
In addition, there has been a small change to the backlogs plugin:
- The function “Copy tasks” has been renamed to “Copy work packages” when duplicating work packages with children ([#17602](https://community.openproject.org/work_packages/17602 “Rename “Copy tasks” to “Copy work packages” on copy of work package (with Backlogs enabled) (closed)”)).
OpenProject 4.0.4
An additional bug fix has been added with OpenProject 4.0.4:
- Due to a regression it was not possible to group by attributes which are not displayed in the work package table. This has been resolved (#17738).
List of changes
For a complete list of changes, please refer to the Changelog v4.0.3 and Changelog v.4.0.4.