OpenProject 6.0.2 released
OpenProject 6.0.2 has been released. The release contains several bug and accessibility fixes.
We recommend the update to the current version.
The following errors have been fixed in OpenProject 6.0.2:
- An error message was displayed when all work package filters were removed (#23739).
- Multiple empty options were displayed in work package select fields (#23775).
- Adding images to the work package description sometimes didn’t work (#23750).
- The text formatting toolbar was missing when editing news (#23740).
- Some groups were collapsed when grouping an already grouped list by another attribute (#23720).
- No warning message was shown when leaving a work package type with entered description (#23746).
- Checking / unchecking checkboxes of one row / column in the workflow edit screen not working (#23694).
- Several design errors have been fixed (#23594, #23742, #23743, #23768, #23651).
- Additionally, the performance on the work package table has been improved: Scrolling and hovering of large work package tables works faster than before.
Thanks a lot to the community, in particular Marc Vollmer, for reporting a lot of bugs!
For further information on the release, please refer to the Changelog v.6.0.2 or take a look at GitHub.
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