OpenProject 6.1 released
We are proud to announce that OpenProject 6.1 has been released. The release contains several new features and performance improvements. The project member table has been improved and the relations tab has been extended.
Additionally, the release contains several bug fixes.
What is new in OpenProject 6.1?
Quickly filter and find members in the enhanced project member table.
The project member table contains additional information such as the group users belong to. It is now possible to filter for users in the project member list.
Use the updated work package relation tab to manage relations
The relation tab now has a cleaner interface and can be grouped by work package type or relation type. There are new relations available and it is possible to add existing work packages as children.
Improved performance for work packages
The work package table is loaded more quickly which makes it more efficient to work with larger lists.
Add meetings to calendar
The meeting agenda now has a button to send iCalendar invitations to participants. Meetings can therefore easily added to you calendar.
API for users und relations
The OpenProject API v3 now contains user and relations endpoints.
Improved accessibility
The accessibility of many OpenProject features has been improved.
Improved design
In addition to several functional improvements, the design of OpenProject has been enhanced as well. For example work package attributes are now displayed in two columns instead of one if there is enough space.
To use OpenProject 6.1 online, create an instance on OpenProject.org.
Want to install OpenProject 6.1 to use it in your own infrastructure? Here you can find the Installation guidelines for OpenProject.
Migrating to OpenProject 6.1
Follow the migration guide for the packaged installation or the migration guide for the manual installation to update your OpenProject installation to OpenProject 6.1.
We update hosted OpenProject environments automatically.
You will find useful information in the OpenProject FAQ or you can post your questions in the Forum.
Release Notes
Please refer to the OpenProject 6.1 Release Notes for an overview of the new and improved features, as well as a list of fixed bugs.
Special thanks go to all OpenProject contributors without whom this release would not have been possible:
- Deutsche Telekom AG for sponsoring the new features.
- All the developers, designers, project managers who have contributed to OpenProject - especially to Fabrizio Bertone for developing the iCalendar support and to Carsten Klein for fixing several bugs.
- All the dedicated users who have reported bugs and supported the community by asking and answering questions in the forum.
- All the dedicated users who provided translations on CrowdIn.
- The members of the OpenProject Foundation for continuously supporting OpenProject.
What’s next?
We are continuously developing new features and improvements for OpenProject. The next release will contain improvements for the timeline / Gantt chart in OpenProject. For information regarding new releases, please have a look at the roadmap.
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