OpenProject 7.3.1 released
We released OpenProject 7.3.1. The release contains several bug fixes. We recommend the update to the current version.
Bug fixes (7)
- The settings button did not work in the work package fullscreen create form. [#26393]
- The wrong meeting time was shown. [#26480]
- An internal error occurred when exporting a budget as CSV. [#26518]
- The selected work package was not focused when navigating from the work package table to the fullscreen view and back.
- Drag and drop for work package custom field values of type “List” did not work.
- In MS Edge work package attributes which were shown by themselves in attribute group could not be set.
- In Firefox the scrollbar in the permission overview was not properly displayed.
Visual changes
- There was an additional hashtag shown in the work package breadcrumb. [#26439]
- There was not enough space between the work package status and type. [#26508]
Thanks a lot to the community, in particular to Frank Michler, Ottavio Campana and Rob Guinness for reporting bugs!
For further information on the 7.3.1 release, please refer to the Changelog v7.3.1 or take a look at GitHub.