OpenProject BIM 10.4: digital construction project management with 3D building model viewer (IFC)
We are proud to announce the release of OpenProject BIM 10.4. Additionally to the regular OpenProject release 10.4, the BIM release adds features to the open source project management software, especially designed for the digital construction project management for the building industry. OpenProject contains a new open source IFC viewer to integrate building models and view them in 3D or 2D directly in your project management application. You can now collaboratively share these files with your team without the installation of separate costly software or licenses.
What is new for the management of BIM projects in OpenProject 10.4?
OpenProject contains a new IFC file model viewer to integrate 3D models in the IFC format in OpenProject. You can now upload IFC files and display the building models directly in your browser in OpenProject - without installation of an additional costly software. The building model upload supports IFC format.
IFC model upload and viewer
Import of 3D building models directly in your OpenProject application. The supported format is IFC files.
Manage multiple IFC models in OpenProject
In OpenProject you can now manage multiple building models in IFC format in parallel. Browse through multiple models at the same time and selectively activate models such as architecture and heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC). Set “default” models to be displayed.
IFC viewer integrated in OpenProject
OpenProject 10.4 supports to open 3D models and visualize building models directly in your browser. With this new integrated functionality for construction project management you can now easily share multiple IFC files with your team directly in OpenProject - integrated with all OpenProject functionalities for the project management along the entire building project life-cycle, i.e. BCF management, issue tracking, project planning, documentation.
View full 3D objects in OpenProject in IFC format. Select and display the model in total, for objects, classes and storeys for the building.
Switch between 3D and 2D view for your building model in OpenProject.
You can change between a 3D view or 2D view of the building model in OpenProject.
Slice objects to get exact view
You can slice 3D objects in all dimensions to get a view on the exact thing you need.
How to try the OpenProject BIM Edition?
Try out OpenProject BIM 10.4. right away, create a free trial instance for the OpenProject BIM Edition.
Release Notes of OpenProject 10.4
Please refer to the OpenProject 10.4 Release Notes for an overview of the new and improved features, as well as a list of fixed bugs.
Special thanks go to all OpenProject contributors without whom this release would not have been possible:
- DBI AG for sponsoring the IFC module.
- Lindsay Kay with the integration of his open source 3D model viewer, xeokit.
- Georg Dangl who contributes regarding BCF management.
- All the developers, designers, project managers who have contributed to OpenProject.
- Every dedicated user who has reported bugs and supported the community by asking and answering questions in the forum.
- All the engaged users who provided translations on CrowdIn.
What is on the Roadmap?
We are continuously developing new features for OpenProject. For the upcoming BIM specific release we are focusing on more building industry specific features and integrations, i.e.
- Revit integration to OpenProject.
- Further advanced BCF management.
Finally, to stay up to date with the recent development, feel free to follow OpenProject on Twitter and like OpenProject on Facebook.