OpenProject BIM 10.6 released with improved BCF Management
We released OpenProject BIM 10.6. The new release contains improvements for BIM project management for the building industry, especially with improved features for BCF Management.
Overview of new features
Improved BCF XML Import
The import of BCF XML files will check the version to be 2.1 before importing. If it’s an older version the import will not start to avoid errors.
Maximum size for IFC files increased
The maximum size for IFC files has been increased to 500 MB.
Improved permissions for BCF Management
We introduced a separate permission for deleting BCF issues.
How can you try the OpenProject BIM Edition?
Please note that the OpenProject BIM Edition is under continuous development. The current version is only a first state, which will be continuously enhanced with important build specific functions.
Test OpenProject BIM 10.6 immediately, create a free test instance for the OpenProject BIM Edition.
Release Notes from OpenProject 10.6
Find out about further improvements of 10.6 for classical project management. In the official OpenProject 10.6 Release Notes you get an overview of all features as well as the bug fixes.
A special thanks goes to all OpenProject contributors without whom this release would not have been possible:
- DBI AG for sponsoring the BCF Management.
- Lindsay Kay for the integration of the 3D model viewer, xeokit.
- Georg Dangl for developing the Revit Integration in OpenProject.
- All the developers, designers, project managers who have contributed to OpenProject.
- Every dedicated user who has reported bugs and supported the community by asking and answering questions in the forum.
- All the engaged users who provided translations on CrowdIn.
What is on the Roadmap?
We continuously develop new features for the OpenProject BIM Edition:
Plugins into common BIM tools
Plug-ins into the common BIM tools (such as ARCHICAD, Navisworks, Solibri etc.) make the exchange of BCF issues from the central BCF management system even faster, easier and more transparent. The next step on the roadmap is an integration with Revit.
Finally, to stay up to date with the recent development, feel free to follow OpenProject on Twitter and like OpenProject on Facebook.