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Learning - Page 4

Preparing for on-premises software installation

Preparing for on-premises software installation

If you decided to host your project management or any other software on-premises, you should be prepared as it is not as easy as going with a hosted version where you would usually just need internet access…
Why to self-host your software? Should you go for on-premises or cloud?

Why to self-host your software? Should you go for on-premises or cloud?

Some software providers give you the option to choose between a self-hosted (on-premises) and a cloud version. As usual, there are advantages and disadvantages to both solutions. But do not let the word…
How much BIM do you really need?

How much BIM do you really need?

BIM (Building Information Modelling) refers to a method for continuous planning, execution and management over the entire life cycle of a building. From a technical point of view, the focus is on a virtual…
Start working with OpenProject - your first steps

Start working with OpenProject - your first steps

After intense research and comparing different software providers, you might have decided to use the open source project management software OpenProject.…
Product versus project management

Product versus project management

If you are not too involved in product or project management, the difference between the two can be unclear. We would like to show you the differences and what characterizes each product and project management…
IT project management software

IT project management software

IT teams come in different forms. They could either work in-house, like a corporate IT department for example. Alternatively, an IT team could be composed of different people across different organizations…
Project management software for the creative space

Project management software for the creative space

Working in the creative space or in a creative job brings different challenges and processes than e.g. working in the procurement department of an automotive company. This article addresses anyone creating…
Looking for the best project management software for small teams?

Looking for the best project management software for small teams?

Are you working in a small team and looking for a project management software to collaborate more efficiently? Whether it is a team within your own organization, a team of freelancers, yourself with suppliers…
Project manager vs. change manager

Project manager vs. change manager

In our previous article about change management and project management we described how the two can complement each other. When you are managing a minor change in a project or with a project, the project…
Use change management to manage your projects successfully

Use change management to manage your projects successfully

Change is inherent in projects. It could be the change of deadlines, change of resources or implementing a change through a project. Thereby, change can threaten the success of your project if not considered…
Change management vs. project management

Change management vs. project management

Usually, you don’t mention change management and project management in the same breath. With this article, we want to break the bridge and are going to explain to you what the two focus on and why they…