
Lesen Sie hier unsere Neuigkeiten, Ideen und Produktupdates.

BIM Projektmanagementsoftware nun auch selbstinstalliert

BIM Projektmanagementsoftware nun auch selbstinstalliert

OpenProject ist eine freie und quelloffene Software für Projektmanagement. Sie bietet eine Vielzahl von Funktionen zur Unterstützung des klassischen, agilen sowie hybriden Projektmanagements und der Team…
OpenProject 11 with top-down scheduling, more agile boards, and project templates

OpenProject 11 with top-down scheduling, more agile boards, and project templates

At OpenProject we are always focusing on how to improve team collaboration and project management to get projects done more accurately and easily. This new release will bring all sorts of features that…
Reporting your project status made easy

Reporting your project status made easy

One of the most important aspects in project management is reporting. A project report shows the current status of the project at a given time. It is usually done on a regular basis, e.g. weekly or monthly…
How do you communicate with your project team?

How do you communicate with your project team?

A project management software supports the project team in their collaboration and to deliver the project as efficiently as possible. It combines the power of several tools in one: timings, assignment…
How long will it take? Find out if you should schedule your project top-down or bottom up.

How long will it take? Find out if you should schedule your project top-down or bottom up.

The most frequent questions you will get asked when managing a project are probably: When will you be finished? And: How long will it take? It might be annoying for you to hear the same questions repeatedly…
Formulare unterstützen Sie Ihre Aufgaben zu optimieren

Formulare unterstützen Sie Ihre Aufgaben zu optimieren

OpenProject ist eine Open Source Projektmanagement-Software, mit der Sie vielfältige Projekte und Aufgaben steuern können. Mit Formularen in OpenProject können Sie die Erfassung und Verwaltung von Aufgaben…
How to work with agile boards

How to work with agile boards

One of OpenProject’s most used features is agile boards. Agile boards support teams implementing their agile project management methodology, e.g. Scrum or Kanban. Typically, agile teams have shorter development…
OpenProject custom theme and logo

OpenProject custom theme and logo

Branding is more than just a logo or advertising towards your customers. Your organization is a brand and your employees identify with its vision and values. In order to reinforce your branding, you want…
Customize and automate your workflows

Customize and automate your workflows

Approving documents, processing ideas, doing investment calculations, hiring employees, developing a product, performance reporting, ordering - these are all examples of tasks and processes in an organization…
Digitale Produktentwicklung in Zeiten von New Work

Digitale Produktentwicklung in Zeiten von New Work

Wie sieht ein innovatives Produkt von morgen aus? Welche Nutzungsprobleme sollen gelöst werden? Womit sollen diese Probleme gelöst werden und wie kann man einen darauf zugeschnittenen digitalen und web…
Warum freie Open Source Software Geld kosten darf?

Warum freie Open Source Software Geld kosten darf?

Wir erhalten immer wieder Fragen von Nutzer:innen, die sich wundern, warum einige Enterprise Add-ons von freier und Open Source Software Geld kosten dürfen. Die Kommentare gehen sogar so weit zu sagen…
Project management terminology

Project management terminology

Update July 2023: If you are looking for up-to-date definitions of OpenProject terminology, see our recently published glossary of OpenProject.…
Project management guide

Project management guide

Today’s fast-paced and complex environment requires organizations to adapt to changes quickly. On top, to generate growth, an organization might need to venture out from its core business or core processes…
Remote working and security

Remote working and security

Some companies were very slow in adopting remote working policies before the corona crisis. They were worried that working from home would make the performance of their employees drop. The other big concern…
#wirfürschule Hackathon: Digitales projektbasiertes Lernen

#wirfürschule Hackathon: Digitales projektbasiertes Lernen

Wir sind stolz auf den Hackathon für die zukünftige Schule #wirfürschule Juni 08. – 12. Juni 2020 teilgenommen zu haben. Gesucht wurden inhaltliche und fächerübergreifende Projektideen für die hybride…
Reopening and reinventing after lockdown

Reopening and reinventing after lockdown

After weeks of lockdown and strict work from home due to the Corona virus pandemic, economies in many countries are slowly opening up, employees are returning to their desks in the offices. However, reopening…
OpenProject rated top Project Management Software

OpenProject rated top Project Management Software

June 2020 - We are proud to announce that OpenProject is ranking in Capterra’s Top 20 Most Popular for Project Portfolio Management Software. It is an honour to be listed as the ranking results from an…
OpenProject 10.6: improved table formatting, quicker time logging, support of Slovenian language

OpenProject 10.6: improved table formatting, quicker time logging, support of Slovenian language

Welcome to OpenProject 10.6. The new release of the open source project management software brings improved table formatting, quicker time logging, the Slovenian translation, better overview over activities…
OpenProject BIM 10.6 mit verbessertem BCF-Management veröffentlicht

OpenProject BIM 10.6 mit verbessertem BCF-Management veröffentlicht

We released OpenProject BIM 10.6. The new release contains improvements for BIM project management for the building industry, especially with improved features for BCF Management.…
Accelerate your project management for universities

Accelerate your project management for universities

Schools, colleges, universities, research institutes are all under pressure from digitalization. Not only in teaching methods but also regarding processes in administration and collaboration across different…