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Open Source - Page 3

OpenProject – die nutzungsfreundliche Alternative zu Redmine

OpenProject – die nutzungsfreundliche Alternative zu Redmine

OpenProject vs. Redmine: Ein Vergleich zwischen OpenProject und Redmine zeigt, wie sehr sich die beiden Tools in ihrer Nutzungsfreundlichkeit unterscheiden, obwohl sie den gleichen Ursprung haben.…
OpenProject: die Open Source Taiga Alternative

OpenProject: die Open Source Taiga Alternative

Taiga ist eine Open Source Projektmanagement Software, die agile Teams unterstützt.…
OpenProject at FOSDEM 2023

OpenProject at FOSDEM 2023

OpenProject will of course be part of the FOSDEM 2023. As an open source software, we want our team to connect with other open source developers, network, share ideas and find ways to collaborate.…
Why to choose an open source project management software?

Why to choose an open source project management software?

You are looking at different project management software solutions and are comparing them to find out which one to choose? OpenProject is the leading open source project management software that supports…
OpenProject vorne dabei als Open Source Projektmanagement-Software für Hochschulen

OpenProject vorne dabei als Open Source Projektmanagement-Software für Hochschulen

Die Ergebnisse des ZKI Arbeitskreis Strategie und Organisation zu Softwarelösungen an Hochschulen 2022 stehen bereit. Die Umfrage erhebt, welche konkreten Softwarelösungen für die jeweiligen Anwendungsbereiche…
Why to choose an open source cloud software?

Why to choose an open source cloud software?

Open source cloud software can be a very appealing, superior solution. Let us discuss why and in what case.…
Open Source Workplace for the Public Sector

Open Source Workplace for the Public Sector

Software, made in Europe — made for Europe.…
OpenProject joins coalition for a level playing field with Microsoft

OpenProject joins coalition for a level playing field with Microsoft

OpenProject is joining a new coalition for a level playing field with Microsoft. Nextcloud, the open source on-premises content collaboration platform, has filed complaints with both the EU and German…
The open source community

The open source community

A unique part of an open source software like OpenProject is the open source community. It is a global community of users, developers, advocates and anyone else interested and engaged in the software…
What makes it special to be a developer for an open source software?

What makes it special to be a developer for an open source software?

Software engineers and developers are probably the most sought after profession at the moment. They mostly have a wide choice of companies to work for. So how would a developer make their decision? Besides…
OpenProject - GitHub integration

OpenProject - GitHub integration

With OpenProject 11.3 we are releasing an exciting new integration between GitHub and OpenProject. This integration facilitates the collaboration of developers by connecting the two applications.…