Give back to Community

OpenProject thrives on the strength and engagement of its Community. Beyond coding or documentation, there are many ways you can help spread the word, share your experiences, and inspire others to adopt and use OpenProject effectively.

Share your experience


By submitting your content, we assume that you grant us permission to publish it on our platforms. If you would like to review the content before it is published, please let us know explicitly, and we will be happy to accommodate your request.

Your unique experience with OpenProject can inspire others and provide valuable feedback to our team. Here are some ideas for sharing your story, preferably in English (or German):

  • Written Texts Create a brief article (0.5–2 pages) that covers the following topics:

    • A short introduction of yourself and your project.
    • Basic details such as the project’s duration, objectives, and participants.
    • An overview of which OpenProject modules you used and how they supported your work.
    • Your overall experience: What works well for you? What could be improved?
    • Include screenshots showcasing your OpenProject setup (with permission to publish).

    Example: take a look one one our case studies with an NGO , a university project or a municipality.

  • Blog Posts Write a detailed blog post about your OpenProject journey. You can either:

    • Submit your blog post for publication on the OpenProject website.
    • Publish it on your own channels (website, blog, or LinkedIn) and link back to OpenProject.
  • Video Contributions Record a short video explaining how you or your team use OpenProject. Include key features, workflows, and tips that others might find useful.

  • Testimonials and Quotes Share a short testimonial or quote about your experience with OpenProject. If possible, include a professional photo of yourself or your team for publication.

Contact us for guidelines.

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Help OpenProject reach more users by engaging with our content and sharing it with your network.

Spread the word

Let your network know how OpenProject has made an impact for you. Whether it’s during a team meeting, at an industry event, or simply in a conversation with a peer, sharing your experiences can inspire others to explore OpenProject.

Join our Community

Be part of the conversation! Join us in our weekly team call and share how you use OpenProject in your team or organization.