Changing database encoding

This instructions are primarily intended to help with an error encountered when migrating to OpenProject 15. The error happens when migration tries to create an ICU collation and database encoding doesn’t support it. We suggest to use unicode encoding for maximum compatibility.


  • Credentials with the permission to create a database in the database server the OpenProject installation is running against.
  • Shell access to the OpenProject server.

1. Create a database dump

This and following steps assume that you are using built in openproject command.

openproject run backup

Ensure it finished successfully and note down the path after Generating database backup that should normally be in form /var/db/openproject/backup/postgresql-dump-<DATE_TIME_DIGITS>.pgdump.

See also Backing up your OpenProject installation page.

2. Create a new database with different encoding

Note down the database connection URL that should be in form postgres://<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>@<HOST>:<PORT>/<DATABASE>:

openproject config:get DATABASE_URL

Create new database using psql command, after deciding on the name, for example openproject-unicode:


Options for CREATE DATABASE can be found at PostgreSQL documentation page.

Or alternatively using createdb command:

su postgres -c createdb -E UNICODE -O <dbusernamer> openproject_backup

Instructions for createdb command can be found at PostgreSQL documentation page.

3. Restore the dump to the new database

To get the new database URL you need to replace the old database name with the new database name in the connection URL that you got in the previous step. For example if it was postgres://openproject:hard-password@some-host:5432/openproject and new database name was chosen to be openproject-unicode, then new database URL will be postgres://openproject:hard-password@some-host:5432/openproject-unicode.


See also Restoring an OpenProject backup.

4. Change configuration to use the new database

Using the new database URL from previous step:

openproject config:set DATABASE_URL=<NEW_DATABASE_URL>

See also Configuring a custom database server page.