OpenProject 13.0.4

Release date: 2023-09-26

We released OpenProject 13.0.4. The release contains several bug fixes and we recommend updating to the newest version.

Bug fixes and changes

  • Fixed: PDF export does not contain custom fields and some core values [#49948]
  • Fixed: Poor performance of work package autocompleter and /api/v3/work_packages in some scenarios [#50102]
  • Fixed: Poor performance of /api/v3/time_entries [#50130]
  • Fixed: Poor performance of mentions autocompleter [#50144]
  • Fixed: DATABASE_URL environment variable is not validated before usage [#50152]
  • Fixed: Work package activity not shown when using Polish language [#50197]


A big thanks to community members for reporting bugs and helping us identifying and providing fixes.

Special thanks for reporting and finding bugs go to

Skully ‎