OpenProject 5.0.15 released
OpenProject 5.0.15 has been released. The release contains several bug fixes and accessibility improvements.
We recommend the update to the current version.
The following errors have been fixed:
- The date on the project activity was based on UTC+0 and therefore showed the wrong date when being in a different time zone (#22641).
- When selecting a query and updating several work packages at once using bulk edit, the focus was lost to the work package page. It now remains on the query (#22330).
- Due to an error the search text for queries in the dark theme was not visible. This has been fixed (#22654).
- Several design improvements have been made (#21338, #21794).
In addition, the accessibility has been improved (#21910, #22005).
For further information on the release, please refer to the Changelog v.5.0.15 or take a look at GitHub.