OpenProject 5.0.17 released
OpenProject 5.0.17 has been released. The release contains several bug and accessibility fixes as well as several design improvements.
We recommend the update to the current version.
The following errors have been fixed:
- The work package attribute “Estimated time” could not be set back to zero once set (#22829).
- The documents widget on MyPage could not be removed once added (#22814).
- On small screens the login button was not displayed (#22945).
- Several design bugs existed (#22833, #22836, #22876, #22906, #22907, #22936).
- Several accessibility errors existed (#22935, #22948, #22957).
In addition, there are several design and usability improvements:
- Several buttons for quick actions have been added to the project page (#22808).
- The design and usability of the wiki page has been improved (#22887).
- In order to offer a better user experience for mobile users, the tabs on the work package page are displayed at the bottom of the page on small screens (#22953).
For further information on the release, please refer to the Changelog v.5.0.17 or take a look at GitHub.