OpenProject 6.1.4 released
We released OpenProject 6.1.4. The release contains several bug fixes.
We recommend the update to the current version.
Bug fixes (7)
- Work package filter for subprojects not working (#24550).
- Last updated work package information is always shown in UTC (#24498).
- Design error on system settings page (#24497).
- Missing translation on workflow administration page (#24495).
- Very long custom field names break design on custom field settings page (#24407).
- Filter “Show all work packages” on MyPage did not work correctly.
- Project filter was lost on the second page of the search results page.
For further information on the release, please refer to the Changelog v.6.1.4 or take a look at GitHub. You can try OpenProject for free. Create your OpenProject instance for 30 day free project hosting .