OpenProject 7.4.4 released
We released OpenProject 7.4.4. The release contains several bug fixes. We recommend the update to the current version.
- Work package modification for regular users on MySQL-based instances (#27237)
- Child work packages were not deleted when the parent element is deleted (#27280)
- The fuzzy project autocompletion has been corrected to provide better matching when a substring is matched (#27447)
- The GitHub integration plugin did not properly receive events due to a naming clash (#27448)
- Creating new wiki pages from a wiki link (e.g, [[ Wiki page ]] ) now retains the correct title instead of the generated URL slug (#27462)
- A subsequent search for documents in the global search disabled the documents search checkbox (#27479)
- The reset button for RSS tokens generated a new API token instead (#27498)
- Wiki start pages (titled Wiki) could not be renamed back if the name was changed at one point (#27576)