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Connaissances - Page 3

Project KPIs: How to track progress and measure success of your project

Project KPIs: How to track progress and measure success of your project

The objective of this article is to provide a short overview of KPIs that can be used to monitor a project’s progress. Of course, the list is not exhaustive and every project manager has to decide which…
Qu'est-ce que la gestion de projet hybride ?

Qu'est-ce que la gestion de projet hybride ?

La gestion de projet hybride combine des éléments des méthodologies en cascade et agile afin d’adopter l’approche de gestion de projet la mieux adaptée à un cas d’utilisation particulier. Une approche…
How to work with project templates

How to work with project templates

Using project templates will save your team a lot of time. No more repetitive work and you also streamline the way your organization works, making sure the structure of your projects is coherent.…
5 Tips for remote work and home office

5 Tips for remote work and home office

Ever since the outbreak of the corona virus (COVID-19), we are increasingly called upon to take protective measures and avoid social contacts. In waves, events are getting cancelled, trips postponed, companies…
Fixez et atteignez vos objectifs avec un logiciel open source pour les OKR (objectifs et résultats clés)

Fixez et atteignez vos objectifs avec un logiciel open source pour les OKR (objectifs et résultats clés)

OpenProject est un logiciel de gestion de projet sécurisé basé sur le Web qui répond à de nombreux cas d’utilisation. Au début de l’année, dans OpenProject, il est très pratique de suivre le processus…
BIM in project management: the most important BIM roles from client's perspective

BIM in project management: the most important BIM roles from client's perspective

Every BIM project needs a clearly defined distribution of roles. But what exactly are these roles and what responsibilities do they have? We have already dealt with this question in broad outline in the…
Static vs. dynamic websites: why we migrated from WordPress to a static website

Static vs. dynamic websites: why we migrated from WordPress to a static website

Recently, we migrated our website from WordPress to a new static website. WordPress is one of the most widely used free Content Management Systems (CMS). With this homepage builder, you can easily build…
The BIM roles and organizational structure

The BIM roles and organizational structure

To be able to execute BIM projects, not only BIM-capable software and new methods are required, but also adjustments in the structural organization of the project, in particular with the introduction of…
Open BIM versus closed BIM – the challenges

Open BIM versus closed BIM – the challenges

BIM tools are mainly distinguished between the following implementation methods:…
Preparing for on-premises software installation

Preparing for on-premises software installation

If you decided to host your project management or any other software on-premises, you should be prepared as it is not as easy as going with a hosted version where you would usually just need internet access…
Why to self-host your software? Should you go for on-premises or cloud?

Why to self-host your software? Should you go for on-premises or cloud?

Some software providers give you the option to choose between a self-hosted (on-premises) and a cloud version. As usual, there are advantages and disadvantages to both solutions. But do not let the word…