Project management software for aerospace and aviation

Manage your aerospace projects with OpenProject and achieve great things for us all.

  • Testez 14 jours GRATUITEMENT
  • Facile et intuitif
  • Open source

OpenProject is open source, secure and a popular choice in the aerospace industry.

Agile, classique ou hybride.

Plan and track aerospace projects with Gantt charts, agile boards, task boards, and roadmaps. Visualize long-term development cycles with clear milestones and structured planning.

Logiciel libre : open source, format ouvert.

Keep sensitive aerospace data secure with a self-hosted or cloud-based open source solution, licensed under GPL v3 and built on open standards.

Confidentialité et sécurité des données.

Track every decision while ensuring compliance with industry standards. As a European company based in Berlin, OpenProject follows strict EU data protection regulations, with fully open source code published on GitHub.

Advanced task and time management.

Plan, track, and execute complex aerospace projects with precision. Easily record task-specific time and budget, and monitor progress with individual reports.

Flexibilité et adaptabilité.

Customize workflows, goals, projects, members, features, dashboards, and more to fit the needs of each team. Adapt OpenProject to mission-specific requirements and access all project information from anywhere.

Collaboration au-delà de votre équipe.

Work seamlessly across teams, hierarchies, and departments. Connect engineering, management, and external partners in one shared workspace for efficient collaboration.

Découvrez comment nos clients utilisent OpenProject
pour gérer efficacement leurs projets.

Find out how OpenProject supports STAR Dresden’s explorations, both here on Earth and in distant galaxies.

Morpheus Space’s GO-2, probably the most advanced propulsion system for satellites in space travel today, comes from Dresden and is being developed with the help of OpenProject.

Jupiter’s icy moon Europa is considered the most promising candidate for extraterrestrial life in the solar system. Thanks to DSI aerospace from Bremen, OpenProject is also on board.

Project management software for aerospace and space exploration

Aerospace projects are highly complex, involving multiple teams, long development cycles, and strict compliance requirements. OpenProject adapts to your mission, helping you plan, collaborate, and execute with precision. Organizations in the fields below already trust OpenProject. Start your free trial today.

  • Satellite technology
  • Mission planning
  • Aerospace engineering
  • Avionics systems
  • Aerospace risk management

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#1 Logiciel de gestion de projet open source

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  • Testez 14 jours GRATUITEMENT
  • Facile et intuitif
  • Open source