Feuille de route d'OpenProject

We continuously improve OpenProject.

Discover OpenProject's strategic roadmap

Just like our source code, we are making the development roadmap transparent to the public. It shows all topics that we have recently released, are currently working on, and are planning for the future. The roadmap is automatically generated and is updated regularly from our Community instance, where you will find more details to all topics on the roadmap.

Please note that the timeline and feature set are subject to change as we continue to develop OpenProject. Our open source philosophy drives this process, and we strive to remain open and transparent throughout the journey.

For more details on features and versions already released, take a look at our release notes.

Feuille de route

We never stop improving OpenProject.

See recently released features as well as upcoming features and improvements we are working on:

Module Enterprise

Les modules complémentaires Enterprise d’OpenProject font partie de nos abonnements Enterprise sur site et cloud. Avec la mise à niveau vers une version payante, vous soutiendrez le développement et la maintenance de ce projet open source.

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