Case study


go∼mus manages projects with many external partners and uses OpenProject for a transparent exchange of information and because of its simple, intuitive use.
Florian Rogge
OpenProject enables us to plan and structure projects quickly and comprehensibly, and thus to maintain an overview and stick to deadlines. At the same time, OpenProject allows us to have an efficient and sustainable exchange with customers and partners.

Florian Rogge


Sales Director

Customer integration and structured approach

go∼mus uses OpenProject for complex projects with heavy customer involvement. Also for projects with several subcontractors or consulting agencies on customer side, go∼mus likes to use OpenProject. In addition, features such as Gantt charts and work packages or even backlogs help go∼mus to clearly structure the projects.

OpenProject is easy, flexible and intuitive. Since not all of go∼mus’s customers are tech-savvy, OpenProject allows go∼mus to involve its customers in projects.

For go∼mus, the success lies in using OpenProject to implement projects with many project members and complex requirements on time and to the satisfaction of its customers.

Why go∼mus appreciates project management with OpenProject

Great time saving

Time saving for the organization approx. 1 day per week due to fewer meetings, fewer arrangements, less documentation etc.

Intuitive and easy

Intuitive and easy to understand for users. No extensive training is required, external partners can easily be onboarded.


With OpenProject, both classic and agile project management are possible. It adapts to any type of project, whether external or internal.

Information exchange

In OpenProject all information is available for everyone, timing and responsibilities are clear and lead to success.


More industries using OpenProject successfully

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