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Best Practices - Page 2

OpenProject - an alternative to Orangescrum for open source project management

OpenProject - an alternative to Orangescrum for open source project management

Choosing project management software can feel overwhelming. Even if you restrict your search and choose to consider open source options only, the choices seem endless. Two notable contenders, OpenProject…
OpenProject - an alternative to GitLab for open source project management

OpenProject - an alternative to GitLab for open source project management

In the fast-paced world of software development and project management, finding the right tools to streamline workflows and enhance collaboration is essential. GitLab, a widely popular web-based DevOps…
Project management methodologies and frameworks for OpenProject

Project management methodologies and frameworks for OpenProject

Are you looking for a suitable software for your project management methodology? The OpenProject software offers a wide range of features and is well suited for many methodologies. Get an overview of which…
Engineering project management with OpenProject: Collaborate seamlessly

Engineering project management with OpenProject: Collaborate seamlessly

Everyday work in engineering is characterized by projects that have to be well organized and run routinely. A suitable project management system must enable different teams to collaborate efficiently.…
Where no man has gone before: OpenProject at STAR Dresden

Where no man has gone before: OpenProject at STAR Dresden

In the realm of the TU Dresden’s Institute of Aerospace Engineering resides an exciting hub known as the student working group STAR (studentische Arbeitsgruppe Raumfahrt). The young scientists have one…
OpenProject and Greenstand: utilizing open source software to battle climate change

OpenProject and Greenstand: utilizing open source software to battle climate change

Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our time, and addressing it requires collective action from individuals, organizations, and governments worldwide. Working as a community has always…
OpenProject and Nextcloud: a strong combination for project management at universities

OpenProject and Nextcloud: a strong combination for project management at universities

The FutureWaterCampus is being built at the University of Duisburg-Essen, bringing together scientists and experts from different fields. To make the teams’ work more efficient and secure, a working group…
Deadline management made easy: Use customized date alerts!

Deadline management made easy: Use customized date alerts!

Do you know the nagging feeling of missing an important deadline? With automized deadline management, you can say goodbye to this feeling and enjoy a more relaxed work environment. OpenProject offers you…
5 agile boards to boost efficiency in multi-team projects

5 agile boards to boost efficiency in multi-team projects

Working with distributed teams on one or even more projects together can be quite challenging. You need to stay flexible, keep everybody informed, and quickly adapt to any kind of changes – and keep an…
OpenProject vs Trello

OpenProject vs Trello

Trello is a very popular and intuitive project management and issue tracking software tool. It is especially suitable for Kanban project management methodology. In 2017 it was acquired by Atlassian and…
OpenProject – the user friendly alternative to Redmine

OpenProject – the user friendly alternative to Redmine

OpenProject vs. Redmine: A comparison of OpenProject to Redmine shows how both tools now differ in design and usability even though they have the same roots.…