OpenProject 14.4.1

Release date: 2024-08-28

We released OpenProject OpenProject 14.4.1. The release contains several bug fixes and we recommend updating to the newest version. In these Release Notes, we will give an overview of important feature changes. At the end, you will find a complete list of all changes and bug fixes.

Bug fixes and changes

  • Bugfix: Project Storage Members breaks when Groups or Placeholder Users are members of a project [#57260]
  • Bugfix: Custom field filter in project list causes internal server error when opening it [#57298]
  • Bugfix: Robots follow sort header links unnecessarily [#57306]
  • Bugfix: Internal error when trying to access notifications menu [#57351]
  • Bugfix: [API] File link creation does not work for legacy nextcloud storage data [#57501]