OpenProject 10.2.2 released
We released OpenProject 10.2.2. The release contains several bug fixes and fixes server security issues. We thus urge everybody to upgrade to the newest version as soon as possible.
Bug fixes and changes
- Fixed: Outline of display-field extends table cell width [#31214]
- Fixed: SQL error in work package view [#31667]
- Fixed: Error in OpenProject::Patches::ActiveRecordJoinPartPatch module after ActiveRecord updating to 6 version [#31673]
- Fixed: [WorkPackages] “group by”-header line to short [#31720]
- Fixed: Second level menu of boards is not reachable on first click [#31721]
- Fixed: Doubled scrollbar in sidebar when “Buy Now” teaser is activated [#31729]
- Fixed: Main menu width is lost after closing it [#31730]
- Fixed: Dropdown for table highlighting configuration is off place [#31732]
- Fixed: Double click on WP row not working [#31737]
- Fixed: Unverified CSRF request in create budget form [#31739]
- Fixed: Selected long cf values are reduced to … in ng-select [#31765]
- Fixed: Webhook is failing/crashing due to NameError [#31809]
- Fixed: API v3 /relations/:id does not check permissions [#31855]
- Fixed: Tabnabbing on wiki pages [#31817]
A big thanks to community members for reporting bugs and helping us identifying and providing fixes.
In this release, we would especially like to thank Bartosz Nowicki for responsibly disclosing a severe data leakage (#31855). Behavior like this helps improving the security for everybody, so thanks a lot Bartosz. And Thanh Nguyen Nguyen of Fortiguard Labs has once again responsibly disclosed a security issue to us (#31817). Thank you, Nguyen.
We’d also like to thank users for reporting bugs:
Ihor Lavryk, Adam Vanko.
Here the link to our Release notes.