OpenProject BIM 10.5: BCF Management extends BIM project management
We are proud to release OpenProject BIM 10.5. With the new release there will be significant improvements in the area of BIM project management for the construction industry, especially in the area of BCF Management. With the BCF Management module, the OpenProject BIM Edition now offers a fast and intuitive form of central collaboration and coordination in your BIM projects. The Release 10.4 has already added an IFC viewer for the integration of 3D building models. Now BCF issues can be created directly on the 3D model and managed centrally.
Collaboration and coordination in a central BIM project management software
OpenProject supports BIM project management through central planning, collaboration and coordination for BIM projects. The software thus networks all those involved in the project in a web-based system and is also used, for example, for client communication. As a coordination tool, all issues can be managed and distributed centrally in OpenProject.
BCF management for the construction industry
The core application scenario made possible by the new release of the BIM Edition is BIM Issue Management with BCF. This enables the communication of issues in a construction project (e.g. clashes) directly on a BIM model or between several BIM submodels. Both model-associated tasks (BCFs) directly on the BIM model and non-model-associated tasks can be created and tracked.
Central BCF issue management and BCF communication in OpenProject
The central BCF issue administration and communication takes place centrally in OpenProject. Issues can be created directly on the 3D building model, prioritized and analyzed together, and assigned to the responsible BIM modelers.
OpenProject provides an ideal way to annotate and track BCFs. Powerful filter and search functions support fast and intuitive use. This enables intuitive and transparent tracking.
Support of open formats IFC and BCF
BCF Management in OpenProject is compatible with hundreds of applications that support the IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) and BCF (BIM Collaboration Format) exchange formats.
Robust BCF import and export
BIM Issues can be created wherever the user identifies them, i.e. in their favorite BIM tool. These issues can then be easily imported into OpenProject - the central BCF management system - for central tracking and consolidation. The BCFs can then be distributed back to the local applications via an export function.
Integration with classic and agile project management functions
Due to the close integration of the existing project management functions, such as Gantt views, powerful search and filter functions, agile boards and much more, construction projects can be managed in OpenProject from the start of the project to the final acceptance and operation of the building.
Overview of BIM project management.
How to try OpenProject BIM Edition?
Please note that the OpenProject BIM Edition is constantly evolving. The current version is only an initial status, which is continuously being expanded to include important construction-specific functions.
Try OpenProject BIM 10.5 now, create a free OpenProject BIM Edition Trial Instance.
Release Notes of OpenProject 10.5
The official OpenProject 10.5 Release Notes gives you an overview of all functions and bug fixes.
A special thanks goes to all OpenProject contributors without whom this release would not have been possible:
- DBI AG for sponsoring the BCF management.
- Lindsay Kay for integrating his open source 3D model viewer, xeokit.
- Georg Dangl who is working on a Revit integration in OpenProject.
- All developers, designers and project leaders who contributed to OpenProject.
- All dedicated users who reported bugs and supported the community by asking questions on the forum.
- All dedicated users who contributed translations on CrowdIn.
What’s on the roadmap?
We are continuously developing new features for OpenProject.
Plugins in common BIM tools
Plugins in the common BIM tools (such as ARCHICAD, Navisworks, Solibri etc.) make the exchange of BCF issues from the central BCF management system even faster, easier and more transparent. Next on the roadmap is Integration with Revit.
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