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Conocimientos - Page 2

Tutorial de primeros pasos de OpenProject

Tutorial de primeros pasos de OpenProject

¡Le damos la bienvenida a OpenProject! En este artículo encontrará respuestas a sus preguntas como nuevo usuario o administrador del sistema OpenProject.…
Passion project: A Glossary for understanding important terms

Passion project: A Glossary for understanding important terms

OpenProject is an open source software – with many features, modules and possibilities for users to successfully collaborate and manage projects. With a wide variety of features comes a great deal of complexity…
Página web y las guías de usuario de OpenProject en español

Página web y las guías de usuario de OpenProject en español

Trabajamos continuamente para mejorar OpenProject y hacerlo lo más accesible posible para todos los usuarios. Esto incluye que los contenidos estén disponibles en diferentes idiomas. Nos complace anunciar…
5 agile boards to boost efficiency in multi-team projects

5 agile boards to boost efficiency in multi-team projects

Working with distributed teams on one or even more projects together can be quite challenging. You need to stay flexible, keep everybody informed, and quickly adapt to any kind of changes – and keep an…
OpenProject French user guide now available

OpenProject French user guide now available

We constantly work on improving and updating OpenProject documentation to make it most accessible for all our users. This includes providing documentation in different languages. A few months ago we have…
OpenProject user guide now available in German

OpenProject user guide now available in German

We would like to make it as comfortable as possible for you to get to know and work with OpenProject. And reading a documentation in a foreign language is not easy. That is why we started the translation…
How universities and research institutes use project management software

How universities and research institutes use project management software

With the pandemic, like many others, also the education sector was forced into digitalizing. Project management software for universities and research institutions provides a single platform to exchange…
Best practices for SaaS application security

Best practices for SaaS application security

The biggest concern when considering a SaaS application is data security. Is your data secure? Who has access to your data? What if the data center gets hit by a natural disaster or fire?…
Cloud project management software - OpenProject

Cloud project management software - OpenProject

Cloud computing is making storage, servers, databases, networking or software available remotely in the cloud or virtual space. This allows the users to access all data via the internet, and consequently…
Project Management Software On-premises - OpenProject

Project Management Software On-premises - OpenProject

OpenProject is the leading open source project management software. While providing a premium, powerful project management software, OpenProject is highly committed to data security and privacy. Especially…
Successful project delivery: on time and on budget

Successful project delivery: on time and on budget

You deliver a successful project when meeting budget and deadline requirements as well as stakeholders’ scope and quality expectations.…