OpenProject 13.4.1

Release date: 2024-03-26

We released OpenProject 13.4.1. The release contains several bug fixes and we recommend updating to the newest version.

Bug fixes and changes

  • Bugfix: Error 500 on project lists after upgrade to 13.4.0 [#53570]
  • Bugfix: PT-BR translation works as PT-PT [#53584]
  • Bugfix: Work Package Table crashes when grouped by integer and sums are displayed [#53609]
  • Bugfix: SettingSeeder rake aborted! when upgrade from 13.3.0 to 13.4.0 [#53611]
  • Bugfix: Internal error (comparison NilClass with String failed) on query 5000 on community [#53617]


A big thanks to community members for reporting bugs and helping us identifying and providing fixes.

Special thanks for reporting and finding bugs go to

Romain Besson, Ricardo Vigatti, Bình Trần