OpenProject 15.4.1

Release date: 2025-03-20

We released OpenProject OpenProject 15.4.1. The release contains several bug fixes and we recommend updating to the newest version. In these Release Notes, we will give an overview of important feature changes. At the end, you will find a complete list of all changes and bug fixes.

Bug fixes and changes

  • Bugfix: Invalid error displayed when switching parent to automatic [#62261]
  • Bugfix: ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in WorkPackages::DatePickerController#show [#62300]
  • Bugfix: PDF Export: Templates selection not translated [#62319]
  • Bugfix: Date picker not working as expected for time zones with a negative offset (v15.4.) [#62341]
  • Bugfix: Calendar resets if user clicks on 'Working days only' when there are no predecessors [#62362]