Work package priorities

To create or edit work package priorities in OpenProject, navigate to Administration → Work packages → Priorities. Here you will see all existing work package priorities. You can adjust the items within the list by using the options behind the More (three dots) menu on the right side. You can also rearrange the order by using the drag-and-drop handle on the left.

Work package priorities overview in OpenProject administration

Create new work package priority

To create a new work package priority, select the + Add button in the top right corner.

You will then be able to name the priority, select the assigned color, and activate it. Press the Save button to save your changes.

Create new work package priority in OpenProject

Edit or remove work package priority

To edit an existing priority, either click on the name of the priority directly or select the Edit option from the More (three dots) menu on the right end of the row.

Edit a work package priority in OpenProject administration

To remove a work package priority, open the More (three dots) menu on the right end of the row and click on the delete icon.